Finding out that you are losing your hair can be rather disturbing. It can be scary when you see that comb that’s full of your hair. The sight of it might make you seek out desperate measures to fight it. The first thing many people do is run out to get the latest hair loss fad, which is usually in the form of a shampoo or conditioner. While at first this may seem like a good idea, it’s important to take some time and find out what is causing the hair loss. By finding out the cause, you’ll be better equipped to fight it.
There are many possible causes for sudden hair loss. One of the most common is that it’s a side effect of medication or a result of stress. Hormonal imbalances can also be another cause of hair loss. It’s also possible that it’s a symptom of another serious illness like diabetes, leukemia or lupus. It’s always best to consult a doctor before jumping to any conclusions. He’ll be able to tell you if it’s due to something that’s easy treatable, like stress. Or if it’s caused by another more serious illness.
Assuming that it’s not caused by a major illness, there are many treatment options available. If it’s stress induced, treatment could be as simple as taking steps in reducing stress levels. There are also several products in the market today that can help. Rogaine and Propecia are two or the most popular medications available that can help. Hair transplants are also another popular option. While they are more expensive, you won’t have to wait that long for results. If you’re looking for a more “alternative” solution you can try herbal or Chinese remedies. While they aren’t quite as populate as some of the other treatments, they are a healthy alternative to fighting hair loss.By: Tim Bock